Top 10 Bad Ideas new EU writers have to deal with
Disney really messed up with some bad ideas in the sequel trilogy. Now the Expanded Universe will have to sort it all out.
Snydercutify The Prequels
My pitch to remake The Prequels, but it’s not a nomral remake. It’s a Snydercut style remake.
Star Wars 9 Trailer Reaction and Unboxing
I have a great time unboxing the trailer for SW9, but first I have some caveats to get into.
Star Wars Theory is Entitled as Fuck
Star Wars Theory, a youtube channel made a terrible short film about Darth Vader. Lucasfilm put ads on his video, and that made him rile up his fan base and start an outrage mob, all because he didn’t like people making money off the product they rightfully own.
The OLD EU wasn't canon?! WRONG
Someone made a video response to my SW EU vid, and his major point was that the old EU wasn’t even canon anyways. He’s WRONG!
6 Reasons the Disney Star wars EU is Trash
Disney bought Star Wars and pissed away the old EU for nothing.